Retention Report Overview Video Transcript
Welcome to the Retention Report overview, specifically the Undergraduate, Beginner, Transfer, and Inter Campus Transfer Retention Report. This video is meant to give you an overview of the Tableau dashboard that presents information about student success rates at IU from a variety of perspectives. The video will show you how to navigate to the Retention Report, and briefly highlight the different views within the dashboard, the data sources and refresh cycle.
The purpose of the Retention Report is to assist in the understanding of student success and to help make informed decisions for stakeholders to help students complete their academic programs and graduate. This report tracks student retention and graduation by program, plan, STEM type for a selected cohort or term number. This report also assists in the analysis of students who decide to leave IU and go elsewhere. This dashboard provides high level analysis, such as campus/term, and a more detailed level, such as program department, plan description, STEM type, analysis of data. The report also provides PELL and 21st Century Recipient retention and graduation rate data. These views also allow for disaggregation of the data by various student characteristics.
To find the report from the institutional Analytics home page, go to the finding data menu in the upper left corner of the page. Select outcomes, then retention. From here, you will find two versions of the report, an IU internal version, which requires CAS authentication and a public version.
When you open the report, you will find the Read Me page, which contains a brief description of all the data dashboards in the workbook. It can be helpful to review this before exploring the data. We also encourage you to explore the terminology used in the report by visiting the Definitions views located near the end of the dashboard. The Definitions views provide explanations of various data and terms used throughout the dashboard. Data definitions are also viewable by placing your mouse over the hover for definitions link located at the top of each tab.
Now, to introduce the data views, let's visit Retention by Characteristics, which displays a tabular and graphical view of student retention from first semester to subsequent semesters for all campuses broken down by a variety of parameters, including but not limited to, age, first generation, high school grade point average, veteran and associate degree received prior to IU, that allow for customization of the data. The filters on the top of the screen are global filters, which means that the parameter selections made on one tab automatically carry over to most views within this dashboard and allow you to pare down the report to only see retention data for a specific population. There are a few additional filters that exist in the retention dashboard that we would like to point out. These filters allow the user the flexibility of customizing program and plan groupings within a department by using the first term program filter, the first term plan filter, and the plan anytime filter, which includes minors. There is also a filter that allows the user to focus on STEM types, such as LSAMP, NSF, and ICHE high impact by either first term STEM type or STEM type anytime if they were in a STEM plan in a term other than their first term.
This next view is a replica of the previous one, but allows users to desegregate the data by the financial aid populations of PELL and 21st Century Recipient students. This view displays a tabular and graphical view of a PELL or 21st Century Recipients retention data from first semester to subsequent semesters for all campuses.
Next, let's look at the Retention and Graduation Rates view. This view provides a graphical representation of retention and graduation rates for undergraduate bachelor degree seeking students based on selected student attributes. The chart displays both fall to fall retention and fall to spring retention, as well as four year, five year, six year, and eight year graduation rates. This view also shows some basic retention and graduation information when hovering over the chart. As with other views, you can further refine the results by selecting various populations of students. Retention and graduation rates also includes a financial aid view that explores retention and graduation rates of full time beginner Bachelor's degree seeking students by the financial aid populations of PELL and 21st Century Recipient students. This view displays trend lines of both fall to fall retention and fall to spring retention, as well as four year, five year, six year, and eight year graduation rates of PELL or 21st Century Recipient students.
The next view in the retention dashboard is Retention, Not Retained at IU. This view displays a bar chart of the top ten universities, other than IU, where students enrolled or received a degree. As with the other views, data can be broken down by a variety of parameters that allow for customization of the data such as by program or plan to view which students were not retained at IU. Like the previous view, the next view Retention, Not Retained at IU displays the top ten universities other than IU, where students enrolled or received a degree. However, this view is for financial aid populations of PELL and the 21st Century Recipients for all campuses.
The next view Retained at IU versus Not Retained at IU allows for the examination of various characteristics of the two populations separately via a pie chart for all campuses broken down by a variety of parameters that allow for customization of the data. The last data tab in the retentions dashboard is the Retained at IU versus Not Retained at IU, breakdown by Financial Aid Award populations. This view displays a pie chart of beginner bachelor's degree seeking students by the Financial Aid populations of PELL and 21st Century Recipient students for all campuses.
The last page in this dashboard is the Data Sources and Refresh Schedule tab. Here you will find a list of the data sources used to create the dashboard, as well as the refresh schedule for the data sources and the report. On the bottom of this page, it also shows when the report was last refreshed. If you would like more information about this overview or any other dashboards, contact our office at IUIA at EDU.