Access the Re-Enrollment Registration Report

Access the Re-Enrollment Registration Report by clicking this link.


The Re-Enrollment Report is designed to track progress toward the goal of 100% re-enrollment of current students who are not graduating.

The report measures enrollment in the upcoming Fall or Spring term, also known as the re-enrollment term. Once a new term commences, it will begin charting progress towards the next Fall or Spring term. Data are refreshed six days a week.

There are four mutually exclusive categories of Re-Enrollment Status, in this order:

  1. A student is counted as Re-enrolled if they have registered for at least one credit hour in the re-enrollment term at the same campus.
  2. A student is counted as In Review if they have checkout status = ‘IR’
  3. A student is counted as Other Campus if they have registered for at least one credit hour in the re-enrollment term at another IU campus.
  4. All other students are counted as Not Re-enrolled.

The eligible to re-enroll population for all dashboards is all students who were enrolled in one of the three (fall, spring or summer) terms prior to the re-enrollment term, and have not received an associates or higher degree in the same time period.

Filters on each dashboard narrow the eligible to re-enroll population to the specified values. The filters are global, meaning a selection (for example, Campus) on one dashboard will propagate to all of the other dashboards with that filter. Not all dashboards have all of the filters listed below.

The number of students eligible to re-enroll, based on the filters selected, is displayed on the right of most dashboards.

Some of the headcounts are labeled duplicated. This means a student could belong to more than one category. For example, on the Re-Enrollment Characteristics dashboard, the same student could have more than one Registration Impact. Duplicated means the student is counted in each category.

Dashboard Summaries

The Re-Enrollment Status dashboard illustrates in color the four categories of re-enrollment status.

The dropdowns for Attributes 1 and 2 at the top of the page provide several dimensions for subtotaling. These student characteristics come from the official student census of the student’s most recent prior enrollment.

The diverging bar chart shows the re-enrollment status (color) of 100% of the students in the row. The column of numbers is headcount of students in that row. Hovering over the bars gives you the headcount of students within each re-enrollment status.

The filters on the right narrow the Eligible to Re-Enroll population to the specified values.

The Re-Enrollment Characteristics dashboard provides qualitative information about the base population.

The filters on the right narrow the Eligible to Re-Enroll population to the specified values.

The Planning Activity dashboard counts students with registration activity in various platforms.

The square graph illustrates headcount for the re-enrollment term, and the horizontal bars on the right illustrate headcount for future terms.

For the current Re-Enrollment Term, Eligible to re-enroll students are counted in one of the following four mutually exclusive categories, in this order:

  1. Registered in SIS – the student is enrolled in one or more classes
  2. Planner/iGPS – the student has one or more courses in the SIS Planner, or a course or course list (degree requirement) placeholder in iGPS
  3. Courses in Cart – the student has one or more courses in the self-service Shopping Cart
  4. No Planning Activity – no record in any of the above three applications

The filters on the right narrow the Eligible to Re-Enroll population to the specified values.

The Future Course Demand dashboard shows the top n courses or course lists with planning activity. Courses can be “planned” in iGPS, Shopping Cart, or by registration in SIS. Course Lists are “planned” in iGPS via degree requirements.

The first dropdown at the top of the page is for toggling the view between courses and course lists. The next dropdown is for limiting the source to a specific platform. Since Course Lists originate only from iGPS, this filter is only valid when viewing courses. The last dropdown is for limiting the output to the top n courses or course lists.

The filters on the right narrow the Eligible to Re-Enroll population to the specified values.

The By School and By Advisor dashboards present tabular counts of the Re-enrollment Status. These were the original dashboards in this workbook, and they’ve been maintained for long time users of the report. The columns in these tables are analogous to the colors/bars on the first dashboard Re-Enrollment Status. In this view, In-Review degrees are not a separate re-enrollment status. Instead, they are a filter. If In-Review students are included, they are counted in one of the three other statuses: Not Re-enrolled, Re-enrolled same campus, or Other Campus. The By Advisor dashboard allows a user to filter for a specific Advisor. To use, type (not case sensitive) some portion of the Advisor’s name and press Enter. To clear search text, remove the text and press Enter again.

Downloading Data

In Tableau, row level data are rolled up, or summarized, by the categories present in a view. For example, if Campus is one of the dimensions in the view, the row level data will be subtotaled for each member of Campus (e.g. Southeast). Summary Data, also known in Tableau as Crosstab, is aggregated to the granularity of the view. Dimensions not included in the view (e.g. University ID) are not included in the subtotals. On the other hand, Full Data is data source row level. Unfortunately, it is a software limitation that we cannot restrict or reorder the columns in either the Summary or the Full Data view. The data in both Summary and Full are limited by the filter selections on the page. For example, if you have the view filtered to Campus = Southeast, you will not get Northwest data in the Summary or Full Data view/download.

Permissions for downloading Summary vs. Full data are separate. For this workbook, everyone with permission to access the report has permission to download Summary Data. Certain individuals in Advising have been granted permission to download Full Data. For access, send a request to

To view or download a list of students not re-enrolled, follow these steps:

As an example, an advisor should select their campus (i.e. Southeast), all careers, and their name from the advisor list, to view a summary of the students they are advising.

Instructions for Filter Search

For Downloading a file:

When the data are displayed, click on the cell in the Not Re-enrolled column (highlighted in blue below), and the Any Advisor row. A dialog box above the cell will appear like this:

When the data are displayed, click on the cell in the Not Re-enrolled column (highlighted in blue
                    below), and the Any Advisor row. A dialog box above the cell will appear like this: The title bar of the dialog box has 3 options:

The title bar of the dialog box has 3 options:

  • Keep Only
  • Exclude
  • A grid icon – this is the icon to click to download the data for this cell.

→ Click this icon.

Then this page will be displayed:

There are 2 tabs at the top, Summary and Full Data.

Screenshort of the tabs at top

Click on the Full Data tab. The page will look similar to the image below.

Full Data tab

Just under the tabs at the top, you will see:

BEFORE you click the link to download all rows, check the checkbox to Show all Columns.

Now the page will look like this:

Show all columns

Now, if you click Download all rows as a text file, you will get this dialog box to open the file in Excel. Click OK.

Download all rows as a text file

The file will open in Excel.

**IMPORTANT** when you save the file, do NOT save it on your computer. ONLY save it on a secured file server, as it contains restricted data.

Note: The order of the columns in the download file is somewhat random, and we are not able to set the order, so you will have to scroll around to locate the columns you are interested in.

Definitions of Columns in the file

There are three data sources supporting the visualizations in this workbook. When you view/download data for a particular chart, you get the columns in the corresponding data source:

IU_PLAN_1_ONL_IND 100% Online Plan Y Y Y IF [IU_PLAN_1_ONL_IND] = 'Y' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END
ACAD_CAREER_CD Acad Career Cd Y Y Y Student's career code (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
ACAD_CAREER_DESC Acad Career Desc Y Y Y Student's career description (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
ACAD_GRP_CD Acad Grp Cd Y Y Y School code of student's major
ACAD_DRVD_IPE_DS_RPT_CLS_LVL_NM Acad Level Y Y Y Expanded level, includes class and degree level
ACAD_PRGRSS_UNT_NBR Acad Prgrss Unt Nbr Y credit hours for a specific course
ACAD_PRM_PGM_CD Acad Prm Pgm Cd Y Y Y Student's Primary Program code
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_CD Acad Prm Plan 1 Cd Y Student's Primary Plan 1 code
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_2_CD Acad Prm Plan 2 Cd Y Student's Primary Plan 2 code
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_3_CD Acad Prm Plan 3 Cd Y Student's Primary Plan 3 code
ACAD_PRM_SUB_PLAN_1_CD Acad Prm Sub Plan 1 Cd Y Student's Primary SubPlan 1 code
ACAD_PRM_SUB_PLAN_1_DESC Acad Prm Sub Plan 1 Desc Y Student's Primary SubPlan 1 description
ACAD_PRM_SUB_PLAN_2_CD Acad Prm Sub Plan 2 Cd Y Student's Primary SubPlan 2 code
ACAD_PRM_SUB_PLAN_2_DESC Acad Prm Sub Plan 2 Desc Y Student's Primary SubPlan 2 description
ACAD_PRM_SUB_PLAN_3_CD Acad Prm Sub Plan 3 Cd Y Student's Primary SubPlan 3 code
ACAD_PRM_SUB_PLAN_3_DESC Acad Prm Sub Plan 3 Desc Y Student's Primary SubPlan 3 description
ACAD_STND_DESC Acad Stnd Desc Y Student's current Academic Standing for given campus
ACAD_TERM_CD_RE_ENRL Acad Term Cd Re Enrl Y Re-enrolment term code
ACAD_TERM_DESC_RE_ENRL Acad Term Desc Re Enrl Y Re-enrolment term description
ACAD_TERM_CD Acad Term Cd Y Y Course or Course List Term
STU_ADMT_TERM_CD Admit Term Y Y Y First term enrolled
ADMT_TYP_DESC Admit Type Y Y Y Admit type of first term enrolled
STU_ADVSR_NM Advisor Y Y Y Advisor Name
ADVISOR_SEARCH Advisor Search Filter Y used for Tableau processing
ADVISOR_SEARCH_PART1 Advisor Search part 1 Y used for Tableau processing
AGE_CATEGORY Age Category Y bins for person age
ATTRIBUTE_1 Attribute 1 Y user defined dimension for subtotaling
ATTRIBUTE_2 Attribute 2 Y user defined dimension for subtotaling
INST_DESC Campus Y Y Y Student's campus (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term) calculated from ACAD_CAREER_CD Career
ACAD_DRVD_IPE_DS_RPT_CLS_LVL_NM Class Y Y Y Student's class level (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
CLS_NBR Cls Nbr Y Enrollment or Placeholder class number
CLS_SECT_CD Cls Sect Cd Y Enrollment or Placeholder section code calculated from ACAD_DRVD_COHORT_RPT_CD Cohort
calculated from ACAD_DRVD_CO_HORT_RPT_CD Cohort Y Y Y Cohort refers to a group of students in the same academic career who started their degree-seeking studies at IU in the same academic term, as determined by their enrollment at official census (end of the first week of classes).
calculated from CRS_SUBJ_CD, CRS_CATLG_NBR , CRS_DESC Course Description Y [Crs Subj Cd] + [Crs Catlg Nbr] + ' ' + [Crs Desc]
calculated from STU_DRVD_TOT_TERM_UNT_NBR Course Ld Y Y Y Full Time or Part Time (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
COURSE_LIST Course List Y Placeholder course list
Course or List Y used for Tableau processing
CRS_CATLG_NBR Crs Catlg Nbr Y Enrollment or Placeholder course catalog number
CRS_DESC Crs Desc Y Enrollment or Placeholder course description
CRS_ID Crs Id Y Enrollment or Placeholder course id
CRS_REPEAT_CD Crs Repeat Cd Y Enrollment or Placeholder course repeat code
CRS_SUBJ_CD Crs Subj Cd Y Enrollment or Placeholder course subject
CRSE_DESCR Crse Descr Y Enrollment or Placeholder course description
CRSOFR_NBR Crsofr Nbr Y Enrollment or Placeholder course offer number
calculated from STU_CUM_GPA_NBR Cum GPA bin Y cumulative GPA range
calculated from STU_CUR_GPA_NBR Current GPA bin Y current GPA range
current term Y used for Tableau processing
IR_DEGR_SEEK_IND Degree Seeking Y Y Y if academic program (major) results in a degree
CLS_DCR_RPT_IND Dual Credit Student Y Y Y Dual Credit or ACP Student Indicator
ENCUMBRANCE_AMT Encumbrance Amt (bin) Y the past due amount that needs to be resolved before the service indicator is released
ENRL_PREV1_TERM Enrl Prev1 Term Y where enrolled in the first term preceeding the re-enrollment term
ENRL_PREV2_TERM Enrl Prev2 Term Y where enrolled in the second term preceeding the re-enrollment term
ENRL_PREV3_TERM Enrl Prev3 Term Y where enrolled in the third term preceeding the re-enrollment term
PRSN_DRVD_ETH_NIC_IR_RPT_DESC Ethinicity Y Y Y Student's Ethinicity
Exclude HS/DC/ACP Filter Y Y Y used for Tableau processing
STU_DEGR_CKOT_STAT_CD In-Review Degrees Y Y Y if degree audit has been initiated
IN_CART In Cart Y if planning activity found in Shopping Cart
IN_IGPS In Igps Y if planning activity found in iGPS
IN_PLNR In Plnr Y if planning activity found in Student Planner
IN_SIS In Sis Y if planning activity found in SIS (registered for class)
INST_CD Inst Cd Y Y Y Student's Institution
LAST_TERM_ENRL Y Y the last term the student was enrolled in the past year
calculated from STU_UNT_TKN_FOR_PRGRSS_NBR Last Term Units bin Y ranges for term units taken (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
NON_PRM_PGM_CD Non Prm Pgm Cd Y Student's secondary program code
NON_PRM_PGM_DESC Non Prm Pgm Desc Y Student's secondary program description
NON_PRM_PLAN_CD Non Prm Plan Cd Y Student's secondary program major code
NON_PRM_PLAN_DESC Non Prm Plan Desc Y Student's secondary program major description
OCC_ORIG_CLS_NBR Occ Orig Cls Nbr Y Original class number
placeholde r Y used for Tableau processing
PREV1_TERM Prev1 Term Y Y Y term code for the first term preceeding the re-enrollment term
PREV1_TERM_INST Prev1 Term Inst Y Y Y campus where student was enrolled in Prev1 Term
PREV2_TERM Prev2 Term Y term code for the second term preceeding the re-enrollment term
PREV2_TERM_INST Prev2 Term Inst Y Y Y campus where student was enrolled in Prev2 Term
PREV3_TERM Prev3 Term Y term code for the third term preceeding the re-enrollment term
PREV3_TERM_INST Prev3 Term Inst Y Y Y campus where student was enrolled in Prev3 Term
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_1_DESC Primary Plan 1 (major) Y Y Y Student's primary major (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_2_DESC Primary Plan 2 Y Y Y Student's Primary Plan 2 description
ACAD_PRM_PLAN_3_DESC Primary Plan 3 Y Y Y Student's Primary Plan 3 description
ACAD_PRM_PGM_DESC Primary Program Desc Y Y Y Student's primary program (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
prior enrollment filter Y used for Tableau processing
PRSN_CMP_EMAIL_ID Prsn Cmp Email Id Y Y Y Student's campus email address
PRSN_DRVD_AGE_NBR Prsn Drvd Age Nbr Y Y Y Student's current age
PRSN_OTHR_EMAIL_ID Prsn Othr Email Id Y Y Y Student's other email address
PRSN_PREF_EMAIL_ADDR Prsn Pref Email Addr Y Y Y Student's preferred email address
PRSN_PREF_FULL_NM Prsn Pref Full Nm Y Y Y Student's Full Name
PRSN_PREF_PHN_NBR Prsn Pref Phn Nbr Y Y Y Student's preferred phone number
PRSN_PRM_1ST_NM Prsn Prm 1St Nm Y Y Y Student's first name
PRSN_PRM_LAST_NM Prsn Prm Last Nm Y Y Y Student's last name
PRSN_PRM_MID_NM Prsn Prm Mid Nm Y Y Y Student's middle name
PRSN_UNIV_ID Prsn Univ Id Y Y Y University ID
PRSN_VET_IND Prsn Vet Ind Y Y Y Y if in student group RV30, RV31, RV36, RV38, RV3A, or RV3V
QUAD Quad Y which type of planning activity (SIS, iGPS, Cart or none)
RE_ENRL_INST_SORT_CD Re Enrl Inst Sort Cd Y used for Tableau processing
RE_ENRL_STATUS Re Enrl Status Y Y Y Enrollment status for re-enrollment term (Re-Enrolled, In Review, Other Campus, or Not Re-Enrolled)
RE_ENROLLED_CAREER_CD Re Enrolled Career Cd Y Y Y Student career for re-enrollment term
RE_ENROLLED_INST_CD Re Enrolled Inst Cd Y Y Y Student institution for re-enrollment term
RE_ENROLLED Reenrolled Y Student institution for re-enrollment term
ACAD_TERM_CD_RE_ENRL Re-enroll Term Y Y the Re-Enrollment Term; the term for which we are currently tracking enrollment progress
RE_ENROLL_TERM_DESC Re-enroll Term Desc Y Y description for Re-Enrollment Term
Registration Impact Filter Y Y Y used for Tableau processing
SI_HOLD Registration Impact Y Y Y Yes/No does student have any active service indicator preventing registration activity (impact IENR, CENR)
RQ_DESCR Rq Descr Y Requirement description (from iGPS)
ACAD_GRP_DESC School Y Y Y School name of student's major
ACAD_TERM_DESC Semester Y Y Y Term of enrollment or placeholder
SERVICE_INDICATOR Service Indicator Y Y Y Lists student's most restrictive service indicator (Academic Dismissal, Other Advising Hold, Bursar Hold, Other Hold, No Holds)
SEX Sex Y Y Y used for Tableau processing
SI_ACAD_DISM Si Acad Dism Y Y Y Y if student has Academic Dismissal (V02) Service Indicator
Si Acad Dism Timestamp Y Y Y date/time of last Si Acad Dism
SI_ADVISING Si Advising Y Y Y Y if student has Advising Hold (V03) Service Indicator
Si Advising Timestamp Y Y Y date/time of last Si Advising
SI_BURSAR Si Bursar Y Y Y Y if student has Bursar Past Due (G%) Service Indicator
Si Bursar Timestamp Y Y Y date/time of last Si Bursar
SI_IMM Si Imm Y Y Y Y if student has Immunization (R10) Service Indicator
Si Imm Timestamp Y Y Y date/time of last Si Imm
SI_OTH_ADV Si Oth Adv Y Y Y Y if student has Other Advising Hold (V%) Service Indicator
Si Oth Adv Timestamp Y Y Y date/time of last Si Oth Adv
Source Filter Y For Courses only, if planning activity came from SIS, iGPS, or Cart
STU_DRVD_CLS_ENRL_STAT_IND Stu Drvd Cls Enrl Stat Desc Y E for Enrolled, EZ for Contract Student Enrolled
STU_DRVD_ENRL_STAT_IND Stu Drv Enrl Stat Ind Y Y Y E for Enrolled, EZ for Contract Student Enrolled
STU_TOT_CUM_UNT_NBR Stu Tot Cum Unt Nbr Y Y Y Total cumulative credits
STU_CUM_GPA_NBR Stu Cum Gpa Nbr Y Y Y Student's cumulative GPA (as of last completed/graded semester)
STU_CUR_GPA_NBR Stu Cur Gpa Nbr Y GPA of most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term
STU_TOT_UNT_TKN_FOR_GPA_NBR Stu Tot Unt Tkn For Gpa Nbr Y Student's cumulative hours used in GPA
STU_UNT_TKN_FOR_GPA_NBR Stu Unt Tkn For Gpa Nbr Y Student's attempted hours used in GPA (most recent enrollment prior to reenrollment term)
STU_UNT_TKN_FOR_PRGRSS_NBR Stu Unt Tkn For Prgrss Nbr Y Student's attempted hours (most recent enrollment prior to re-enrollment term)
TUIT_RESIDENCY Tuit Residency Y Y Y Resident or Non-Resident or Reciprocity
TYPE_KEY Type Key Y Type Key from iGPS
# students in Cart Y used for Tableau processing
# students in iGPS Y used for Tableau processing
# students in SIS Y used for Tableau processing
Academic Dismissal Y 1 if student has Academic Dismissal V02 Service Indicator
Advising Hold Y 1 if student has Advising V03 Service Indicator
Bursar Hold Y 1 if student has Bursar Past Due Service Indicator
Cl Cnt Y number of placeholders for this class
Count Negative Y used for Tableau processing
ENCUMBRANCE_AMT Encumbrance Amt Y the past due amount that needs to be resolved before the service indicator is released
Immunization Y 1 if student has Immunization Service Indicator
No Holds Y 1 if student has No Holds
Number of Records Y Y Y count of rows
Number of Students Y Y Y count of distinct students
Percent of Students Y Quad Headcount/Number of Students
Quad Headcount Y count of distinct students with given planning activity
Other Advising Hold Y 1 if student has Advising Service Indicator other than V02, V03
Other Holds Y 1 if student has Service Indicator other than the ones listed above
Re Enrolled Y Y Y 1 if student has re-enrolled in same campus
RE_ENROLLED_STATUS_VALUE Reenrolled Status Value Y used for Tableau processing
TOTAL_BALANCE_AMT Total Balance Amt Y the total amount due in the student's bursar account, including future due dates