DFW Grade Distribution Report Overview Video Transcript
Welcome to the DFW Grade Distribution Report overview. This video is meant to give you an overview of the Tableau dashboard that presents information about students success rates at IU from a variety of perspectives. The video will show you how to navigate to the DFW grade Distribution Report, and briefly highlight the different views within the dashboard, the data sources and refresh cycle. The purpose of the DFW grade distribution report is to assist in the assessment and understanding of section level differences within and between courses. In addition, this report allows for the analysis of large multi section courses and gateway courses. Faculty who replicate their courses in the online class Connect, will be able to disaggregate course grades by the campus of student enrollment. Data can be analyzed at a high level, such as campus, term, grade, and at a more detailed level, such as course department, plan description, course subject, course level, course number, section. The report also examines the correlation between and the average course GPA, and by extension, other student success measures like one year retention, as well as four year and six year graduation rates. 
All views allow for disaggregation of the data by various student and course characteristics. To find the report from the Institutional Analytics home page, go to the finding Data menu in the upper left corner of the page. Select outcomes then DFW grade Distribution. From here, you will find two versions of the report, an IU internal version which requires CAS authentication and a public version. When you open the report, you will find the read me page which contains a brief description of all the data dashboards in the workbook. It can be helpful to review this before exploring the data.

The next view is the grade distribution Success tab, which displays a tabular view of student success rates by campus, or term using the select grade distribution breakdown attribute and by the minimum successful grade attribute. This report contains various parameters throughout the dashboard that allow for customization of the data. Additionally, this dashboard contains global filters, which means that the parameter selections made on one tab automatically carry over to most views within this dashboard. One of these global parameters is campus, which allows you to pare down the report to only see the outcomes for a specific campus. This dashboard also contains dashboard specific filters and parameters that live on the right hand side of the dashboard. One of these global parameters is select attribute, which allows you to separate the information by any of the student characteristics or other items available in this drop down. Next, let's look at the grade distribution heat map view, which displays a heat map of student success rates based on students grade by campus, school, course subject, and class level among many other attributes. This view allows for a quick comparison of the most common grades across the campuses while allowing for a further breakout based on selected attributes. 
The next view is the grade distribution heat map, Plan view. This view is like the previous view. However, it allows for the breakout of data by plan description. The plan description filter is a multi selection selector, allowing the user the flexibility of customizing plan groupings within a department. The next view, top DFW rates displays a bar chart of the top courses based on their DFW rate, and the number of students enrolled by course, term, campus, school, and class level. There is also a reference line depicting the average DFW rate for the campus slash term, denoted by a dashed vertical line. The default view shows the top ten courses with an enrollment greater than 25. You can change this default view by changing the numbers in the fields. Vew classes with enrollment greater than and view top end courses. This view also shows some basic course information and DFW percentages when placing the cursor on the bar chart. The top DFW rates also displays a bar chart of the top courses based on their success rate, and the number of students enrolled by course, term, campus, school, and class level.
The next view, Top DFW rates. Online Class Connect, (OCC)is like the previous view. But this view displays information on online class connect course enrollments. IU OCC is a process that allows a student enrolled at one IU campus to register for an online class offered at another IU campus without having to go through intercampus transfer. Now, let's examine the course comparison view. This view allows you to compare grade distribution of two separate courses across a variety of dimensions, namely sex, residency, ethnicity, whether these courses are repeats, number of attempts, et cetera. This report also allows for the comparison of subpopulations within a specific course, such as resident versus non resident. To compare subpopulations within a specific course, first select the term institution, course, and catalog number for each course, and then select additional attributes. Department and course DFW rates view is next. This view displays a bar chart showing the percentage of selected DFW rates for all courses, as well as a color coded bar chart, detailing if a course is above or below the department average. This view also shows some basic enrollment information, and average grade point average for a course by hovering over or selecting a bar on the chart. For further drill down and comparison of data, you can click the plus sign above the course department, and then course. And this will expand to show section level data. Now let's look at the DFW rates and average course grade view, which displays two trend lines, one that is based on the selected DFW rates, and another that details the average grade for the course. Both trend lines can be further broken down by selecting various attributes and filters.
The next tab in this dashboard is the DFW retention and graduation rates view. This view displays a table based on cohort broken out by first term characteristics and other selected parameters. There are also trend lines for retention and graduation rates. And a bar chart depicting the student share of DWFI selections, broken out in a variety of combinations. The last Data tab in the DFW grade distribution dashboard is the DFW one year retention and four year graduation rates by DFW I selection view. This view displays a table based on each cohorts retention and graduation outcomes, broken out by the number of D F W or I students get during their academic career. The select attribute parameters allow for further disaggregation along these measures. There are also trend lines for one year retention and four year graduation rates based on DWFI selections.
The definitions views provide explanations of various data and terms used throughout the dashboard. Data definitions are also viewable by placing your mouse over the hover for definitions link located at the top of each tab. The last page in this dashboard is the Data Sources and Refresh Schedule tab. Here, you will find a list of the data sources used to create the dashboard, as well as the refresh schedule for the data sources and the report. The DFW Grade Distribution report will update the fall spring and summer course grades in January, May and September, respectively. If you would like more information about this overview or any other dashboards, contact our office at IU IA at indiana dot edu.