
Since the summer of 2014, IU has used student groups in the Student Information System (SIS) to report on students who are veterans of the US military, as well as family members of veterans who are students. There are ten student group codes used for this reporting, and these are grouped into five categories to facilitate reporting. These student group codes are maintained by IU Student Records and the campus Military and Veteran Student Services offices.

The following list shows how student group codes in the SIS are used for US veteran student reporting. This list shows each student group and the categories (e.g. GI Bill, GI Veteran, etc.) that are associated with each student group.

Student Group Codes for US Military Veteran Students and Family
Category Code Student Group Description
GI Bill RV30 New G.I. Bill - VA Chapter 30
GI Bill RV31 Vocatnl Rehab - VA Chapter 31
GI Bill RV35 War Orphns/widows-VAChapter 35
GI Bill RV36 Mil Resrv/Guard-VA Chap1606
GI Bill RV38 Active Res/Guard-VA Chap1607
GI Bill RV3C Post 9/11 GI Bill Elig Child
GI Bill RV3S Post 9/11 GI Bill Elig Spouse
GI Bill RV3V Post 9/11 GI Bill
GI Veteran RV30 New G.I. Bill - VA Chapter 30
GI Veteran RV31 Vocatnl Rehab - VA Chapter 31
GI Veteran RV36 Mil Resrv/Guard-VA Chap1606
GI Veteran RV38 Active Res/Guard-VA Chap1607
GI Veteran RV3V Post 9/11 GI Bill
GI Veteran Family RV35 War Orphns/widows-VAChapter 35
GI Veteran Family RV3C Post 9/11 GI Bill Elig Child
GI Veteran Family RV3S Post 9/11 GI Bill Elig Spouse
Veteran RV30 New G.I. Bill - VA Chapter 30
Veteran RV31 Vocatnl Rehab - VA Chapter 31
Veteran RV36 Mil Resrv/Guard-VA Chap1606
Veteran RV38 Active Res/Guard-VA Chap1607
Veteran RV3A Veteran
Veteran RV3V Post 9/11 GI Bill
Veteran Family RV35 War Orphns/widows-VAChapter 35
Veteran Family RV3C Post 9/11 GI Bill Elig Child
Veteran Family RV3S Post 9/11 GI Bill Elig Spouse
Veteran Family RV52 Veteran Dependent

Note that these student group codes and categories exist for all veteran students and their family members who are students, regardless of whether they are receiving veteran education benefits from the US Department of Defense (e.g. GI Bill benefits).

The five categories above (e.g. GI Bill, GI Veteran, etc.) exist as Yes-No indicators on each student record in many tables in the IU Data Warehouse. Examples include Student Term, the UIRR Census Term Snapshot, the UIRR Student Degree Snapshot, and the UIRR Retention model. The next section below lists some of these tables and the column names for the categories.

Users may want to consult these UIRR Tableau dashboards to see headcounts of veteran students and veteran family members who are students:

Finally, UIRR also offers separate financial aid reports that indicate headcounts of students who received GI Bill education benefits and State of Indiana gift aid for veteran students and their families. Details about tables and column names are in the section below, and the following UIRR Tableau reports show dollars and recipient counts:

Also, federal veteran student financial aid is reported on the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Student Financial Aid Survey: IPEDS

Here are the data columns that are available for each student, career, campus, and term in Student Term (SR_STU_TERM_ST/GT) and the UIRR Census Term Snapshot table (IR_CEN_TRM_SNPSHT_GT). The indicator columns have values of Y or N.

Data Columns for US Military Veteran Students and Family
IUIE Column Description Column Technical Name
Veterans Indicator PRSN_VET_IND
Veterans Family Indicator PRSN_VET_FMLY_IND
GI Vet Indicator PRSN_GI_VET_IND
GI Vet Family Indicator PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_IND
GI Bill Student Group PRSN_GI_BILL_IND
GI Bill Student Group Code PRSN_GI_BILL_STU_GRP_DESC

These columns are also available in the following tables and views:

Similarly, the following columns are available in the IR Retention model (IR_RETENTION_GT):

Data Columns for US Military Veteran Students and Family
IUIE Column Description Column Technical Name
Veteran ind in students first term PRSN_VET_1ST_TRM_IND
Veteran Family ind in students first term PRSN_VET_FMLY_1ST_TRM_IND
GI Bill ind in students first term PRSN_GI_BILL_1ST_TRM_IND
GI Veteran ind in students first term PRSN_GI_VET_1ST_TRM_IND
GI Veteran Family ind in students first term PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_1ST_TRM_IND
Veteran ind in any term PRSN_VET_ANY_TRM_IND
Veteran Family ind in any term PRSN_VET_FMLY_ANY_TRM_IND
GI Bill ind in any term PRSN_GI_BILL_ANY_TRM_IND
GI Veteran ind in any term PRSN_GI_VET_ANY_TRM_IND
GI Veteran Family ind in any term PRSN_GI_VET_FMLY_ANY_TRM_IND

Tables and Views – UIRR Financial Aid

The UIRR financial aid summary tables have the following columns:

Tables: Columns:
Data Columns for US Military Veteran Students and Family
IUIE Column Description Column Technical Name Notes
Fed. Subtotal - Post-911 GI Tuition Benefit AY Amount AWD_GFT_FED_POST_911_AY_SBTOT Fall + Spring Awards (AY: academic year)
Fed. Subtotal - Other Veterans Benefit AY Amount AWD_GFT_FED_OTHR_VET_AY_SBTOT
Fed. Subtotal - Post-911 GI Tuition Benefit SU Amount AWD_GFT_FED_POST_911_SU_SBTOT Summer Awards
Fed. Subtotal - Other Veterans Benefit SU Amount AWD_GFT_FED_OTHR_VET_SU_SBTOT

The UIRR financial aid detail snapshot (IR_FA_AWD_DTL_ST/GT) has veteran benefit awards for each student where the following columns have one of the values listed below:

Data Columns for US Military Veteran Students and Family
IUIE Column Description Column Technical Name
Active Military vs Veteran Award Category IR_AWD_MIL_CTGRY_1_NM
IR Military-Veteran Award Group IR_AWD_MIL_CTGRY_2_NM
IR Military-Veteran Award Detail Category IR_AWD_MIL_CTGRY_3_NM

Column values:

Data Columns for US Military Veteran Students and Family
Military Veteran or Relative Federal Post 9-11 GI Bill Federal Post 9-11 GI Bill
Military Veteran or Relative Federal Other Veteran Benefits Federal Other Veteran Benefits
Military Veteran or Relative IU Yellow Ribbon Match IU Yellow Ribbon Match
Military Veteran or Relative State CVO-1 Soldier Sailor Hme Pupil State CVO-1 Soldier Sailor Hme Pupil
Military Veteran or Relative State CVO-Child of Disabled Veteran State CVO-Child of Disabled Veteran
Military Veteran or Relative State CVO-2 Purple Heart Child State CVO-2 Purple Heart Child

Note that “Other Veteran Benefits” in the UIRR financial aid tables represent funds that are not disbursed through the SIS, but are recorded on students’ financial aid records by the campus financial aid office.

Also, note that the Yellow Ribbon Match program provides Post 9-11 GI benefits to veteran students and their dependents, and each recipient has two awards: 1) a federally funded amount, and 2) an IU-funded Yellow Ribbon Match amount. Only the federally funded portion is reported as federal veteran benefits, and it is included in the Post-911 GI Bill Tuition Benefit categories above.

Finally, the State of Indiana-funded programs for veterans and children of veterans are described on this website: State Financial Aid by Program